Friday, June 16, 2017

Wonder Woman Movie--All Woman Showings

I just wanted to put my two cents in about the all women-showings. Look, in an ideal world, we would all be equal. Among other things, Wonder Woman represents equality, but also (crucially) women's rights. Here's what I think needs to be understood. Despite the best efforts of feminists--female and male, the fact remains that the culture we live in is still very much a patriarchy. There are many consequences to this, but one of them is simply that the world generally isn't safe for women as it is for men.
This movie is a big deal to me--and I am a man who doesn't only love Wonder Woman, heck I created my own female superhero and wrote a novel about her. But for women who love Wonder Woman, there is often a certain personal relationship to the character that I think needs to be respected and understood.
For those relatively few who feel the need to see her without men present, there is something personal that I think is best experienced that way. It's not even that most men are going to be disrespectful--though often indeed the few ruin it for the many. It's that from a female perspective, well a lot of things are different, and I think it's best to see this without the prying eyes of those who don't have the same perspective.
Honestly, I don't even see a reason to be angry. It would only affect me personally if I were actually prevented from seeing the movie. I can tell you, finding a general showing was hardly a problem. In fact, I brought my sons!